I have just received the Letters From Jesus gift set and I was so impressed at such a beautiful presentation, a beautiful gift. I listened to the CD while in the car because I had a long drive and I was blown away. I wasn't ready for the quality of what this was or the movement of the Holy Spirit through it. You really captured, not just the scripture; but you captured the essence of God Himself. The Holy Spirit really is moving through this. The person who is speaking the words of Jesus is very clear and crisp. The music doesn't get in the way of the words, and the words don't get in the way of the music. The production is incredible. I'm just really blown away by it. The following scripture came to mind this morning, "The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord," and so I bless you today by declaring this ministry is blessed of the Lord! Your steps, with the message of this production, haven't even begun to see the fullest expression of what God intended for you when you began it.
-Dawn F, Bridges to Destiny
"A Letter From Jesus On Healing" audio cd has just been released and packaged as a beautiful gift that friends and family can
bless a loved one with. It is the perfect gift .... indeed, the perfect tool... for bringing TRUTH into the soul of one stricken by the
FACTS the enemy of their soul has heaped on them. It is anointed healing music and Jesus' own words to the hearer lovingly
explaining His finished work regarding healing for our bodies and souls. The production, content and impact are
supernatural! The natural (science) and the supernatural (heavenly) law do not conflict. Listening to this CD
will .... not "may" but WILL .... release truth and power into the human body and soul .... healing power!
It will happen naturally because quantum physics tells us the importance of sound vibration throughout the universe
including our bodies. It will happen supernaturally because the spoken Word of God releases the healing vibrations of the Very
God who created All things. In Him there is NO darkness and thereby NO sickness. Miracles are inter-active ...... listen to God's
Word and be healed! Do not take this truth lightly! There will be millions healed through this creative blessing. Thank God
for the ministry of www.lettersfromjesus.com and their obedience to the Lord to do His work and to infuse His Love and Light
into the darkness the enemy has tried to establish through sickness. We who believe ARE healed! It is finished!
---Jacquie W., realhealthhope.com
​I would like to share with you my testimony and blessings from God after I received my "Letter From Jesus On Healing" package. I had been very sick for days, no energy at all and stomach pain that brought me to my knees, when I opened my beautiful gift box and started reading, " A Letters from Jesus on Healing" my body seemed to calm down and I felt relief from the pain and fever I had been dealing with for days. When I got to the 2nd page of the scroll, my body and all the effects of sickness had started to leave my body and the energy that I had lacked for days was coming back in waves of emotion, spiritual calmness and I began to cry. I then started listening to the audio and at times had to pause it because of the overwhelming feelings of Jesus Christ that flowed through my body. I at that point knew that Jesus Christ through the Letters from Jesus had cleansed my body of all illness and had given me more energy than I've ever had before. I can tell you that God's word through this healing gift had not only touched my heart, soul and body but had healed me from the illness I had struggled with for days. This was truly a blessing ~ Letters from Jesus has touched my heart with it's powerful and spiritual message from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. "You are as a jewel in My Crown of Glory, perfect and flawless. I know the desires of your heart, and I bow My ear to hear your sweet supplications and praise" Psalm 37:4. "So trust in Me and lean not on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5. I was lifted and I felt the Holy Spirit come over me that day, I cried reading His word and feel forever blessed for receiving this very special and amazing Gift from God. The power of healing in this beautiful message is truly inspirational and life changing. Since that day I received my Letters from Jesus gift set, I've listened to the audio CD each night before I go to bed, for it has truly filled my life and body with blessings and strengthened my faith even more than I ever knew possible. This is a beautiful Gift to send a loved one or someone who has lost their way on life's Path. Go to www.lettersfromjesus.com to order yours now.
Update from this previous post - GOD IS HEALING ME ~ UPDATE on my thyroid tumor and Parodied tumors. My tumor on thyroid has gone from 4.0cc to 1.2cc and my tumor in my parodied gland is now more than half the size smaller My doctor held back the tears today along with me. I spoke to God all the way to my apt. today and He heard my prayers, Don't ever stop believing in our Lord and Savior for He loves us so much. He has been working on healing me this past year and His Miracles are no stranger to my life. For God has done so many things in my life that make me who I am today. I want you all to always remember, God is a healing God and He listens to all our prayers, He acts upon our prayers in His Time, Not on ours. Praise God! I haven't felt this good in years.
---Rita Lane, Az
In the changing tides of my life, when the waves kept crashing into my shoreline at a rate I thought I almost could not handle, I kept calling on the name of Jesus. Oneday in the midst of it all, I recieved in my mailbox, A LETTER FROM JESUS ON HEALING. It is more like a package from Jesus. Inside this beautifully bond box was a CD and a scroll. Reading the living word from the scroll made my spirit leap with joy and an overwhleming sense of peace came over me. I knew Jesus was in charge. I kept hearing Him say, I LOVE YOU! Keep your eye on me! I'm here and I have heard your prayers. Of course the CD is something spectacluar, the scroll being read while listening to inspirational music. To me this was recieving more like a love letter from Jesus. I'm so grateful for His divine timing and the New Creation Nation Misinstry for sending such a unqiue gift.
---Yavonne Tudisco, FL
I was overwhelmed and surprised by the arrival of the beautiful book containing the scroll and audio CD rendition of the awesome " A Letter From Jesus On Healing". This incredible scriptural reminder of how much God loves me and of His promises of life and healing have blessed me greatly as I've listened to it over and over again. I am trusting His truth and faithfulness once again and plan to share this wonderful gift with others.
---Jan S, Tn
Your letter served as the third source of my healing messages. I truly felt the presence of the Holy Trinity as I read it. In January I was given a stage 4 cancer diagnosis. I have been on 5 different types of cemo, with no significant changes until last week. A few days after receiving your Letter From Jesus On Healing, my oncologist notified me that there was an 80% DECREASE in cancer cells! Amen! Thank you Jesus! Praise the Lord!
---Nanette Weeks, Ga
I received the most extraordinary gift 2 days ago, the Letter from Jesus on Healing...WOW.
The whole presentation with the box, CD, scroll, etc. is amazing. While listening to the first 4-5 cuts on the CD I wept and wept, so
moved under the anointing of the words, the music and the perfectly chosen narrator's voice.
My heartfelt thanks to the Lord and to you for this labor of love, this gift of Life! Glory to God!
When I listened to the CD for the first time, I was so overcome by the power of God's words of healing and deliverance, I nearly had to
pull over! Played it again, this time for my husband D'Regis as we drove to church this morning. I have two bulging discs in my lower back. I was in incredible pain. While we listened to the CD, I could feel the tightness in my back loosen and the pain lessen. By the time we arrived to church, I was fine. If you or anyone you know is struggling with chronic illness or pain, get this CD. The words spoken are from Scripture. The beautiful scroll that comes with the CD lists all the Bible verses spoken. I don't know how to explain it except to say you feel the authority of God's Word as it is spoken and whatever you are feeling has to succumb to His authority. The instrumental portions afterward are wonderful for reflection, prayer, and staying in the Lord's presence. I felt such peace. I know Allison. She is a beautiful woman of God. She loves the Lord and His anointing rests upon her and this CD.
---Kim Freeman
I just have to tell you about my experience with The Letter From Jesus On Healing CD. IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!! I was at a church conference and the speaker was Pastor Tony Kemp. He gave me a Letter From Jesus cd and told me He wanted me to listen to it and get it in my heart. I didn't understand why at the time but knowing He was very prophetic I decided I better do what he said. So I took the cd home and began listening to it. When I listened I could feel the presence of Jesus right there in the room with Me. This healing message has such a strong anointing on it! I would listen to it over and over even though I wasn't sick. It just made me feel so loved and close to the Lord and I was gaining revelation that I hadn't known previously about God's word. Then suddenly as if I was being attacked by the devil himself, I entered into a period of time where I was stricken with one physical affliction after another. After a fall and concussion and inflammation on my brain I would have headaches that would not go away. I remembered the healing cd and started listening to it and it would STOP the headaches!!!! I eventually broke my cd player and would take the cd to my friends house and we would listen together. She loved it too! Shortly after that I got a respiratory virus that went into a bacterial infection and the medicines the doctor gave me caused a vascular problem in my legs resulting in lesions in the bottom of my left leg. I had intense pain and the doctors said I was facing possible amputation. I was in and out of doctor visits and wished I had my cd but since I had broken my player I just left it at my friend house. What I didn't realize was that I had listened to Jesus speaking to me in that message so many times that his words had actually gotten down in my heart. As I was getting treatment and therapy for my leg I would hear the cd playing through my mind, every word of it from start to finish.
I couldn't believe it but I didn't actually have to have the cd anymore because I had kept his word in my heart and I now knew how to fight for and receive my healing! And to top it off, it was as if God had anointed my own lips to share it with the other patients.
I thank God for this Letter From Jesus On Healing message because IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!!
---P. Clendening
A Package from Heaven!
The day I first saw A Letters From Jesus On Healing lovely gift set, I ordered it immediately for a couple who had just filed for
divorce. They were both in pain…but loved one another deeply. They were not sick but they definitely needed healing because hurt
people hurt people. I later saw the husband and he expressed that he felt the healing message was really helping he and his wife in their relationship, and guess what? Two years later they are still married and now have a little baby girl. This is truly a miracle which all
started from a letter, stained with blood, and covered with tears. Thank you for this marvelous blessing and gift!
--Lucy Karen Clay
This CD "Letters from Jesus" is a wonderful blessing and a huge encouragement to me. Listening to the Scripture proclaimed along
with the beautifully arranged music is an inspiration to me each time. I feel closer to the Lord and am grateful for this CD. Thank you
for producing it and sharing it with others. Praying that this ministry will be a continued blessing to all and many will be healed!
Shalom from Kiryat Tivon in Israel!
--Lori Kate Lowenhar
I want to express how much Letters from Jesus has blessed me! Reading these healing scriptures in a letter written personally
to me is so powerful. And then to be able to listen to these Words of healing on CD stirs up my faith just as scripture says, “Faith
comes by hearing and hearing from the Word of God.”
Thank you for your heart to allow Jesus to work through you to bring His Words of healing in such a beautiful and powerful way.
--Marjorie Mullen
I have been so blessed from the Letter From Jesus production Each time I play it, I meditate on the word of Jesus then when the
music takes over, I pray for those who are ill in my family and my friends. It has been so comforting and inspirational each
and every time I play it. Thank you so much Allison for such love.
--Diane Pettigrew
In April of last year I was diagnosed with cancer. A Pet Scan in June confirmed that it was present in four areas of my body. After
meeting with my oncologist it was determined to be in my bone marrow, stage four large B cell non-hodgkins lymphoma.I was
never fearful as my faith in God was increased after a recent trip to a great marriage ministry, where I took care of some issues
that I had allowed to negatively affect my walk with God and almost destroy my marriage. God gave me scriptures that assured me
during the early steps of this journey, and shortly afterward I was pleasantly surprised when I received in the mail my Letter from
Jesus. In this letter were the very scriptures that the Lord had given me with many more that gave me even more assurance and
comfort! I read and re-read my letter throughout my journey.I completed three months of chemo and I was never nauseated,
had no headaches and only a couple of minor side-effects from the chemo, so minor that I was able to work during the three
months while undergoing treatments.I had a follow-up Pet Scan in December of 2010 and it was all clear! Throughout this attack
of the enemy, I had the prayers and support of my awesome wife, my tremendous church family and many other friends and
family and my Letter from Jesus! God is good!I was able to bless some dear friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord, by sending a
Letter from Jesus to them.God bless you and this ministry!
—Eddie G., Ga.
A Letter From Jesus On Healing CD inspired me to go back to a place of worship I have been missing. This CD is the best
birthday gift ever. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
-- Patty Shockley
So amazing how someone can be so connected to GOD and be so obedient To HIS word.. Needed healing in so many areas of my
life from physical , mental, financial , personal and spiritual, and after hearing A Letter From Jesus On Healing cd and
witnessing the power of GOD'S love, I can see an answer and a way through what I was going through. From the beginning of
the cd I started feeling the presence of the LORD and throughout feeling HIS mercy and love to the end knowing that I have the
power though JESUS CHRIST to overcome anything and everything that the enemy tries to put on me or to take from me what
GOD has ordained. Strengthening my faith and helping me to realize how much GOD loves me. I would recommend this
healing cd to anyone who is in need or who just wants to know and feel the power of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. I can tell you I
received my HEALINGS and now I know the meaning of GODS true love for HIS people. Be prepared and willing to
receive your HEALINGS
—M. D. Phillips
I cannot begin to tell you how much your beautiful healing gift blessed me. Thank you! The day it arrived and I opened it I was
amazed by its beauty. I didn't see a note or an indication as to who sent it. I wanted so much to thank the one who did. I asked the
Lord to let the sender know how much I love and appreciate it. Its hard for me to receive gifts anonymously, because I want
so much to extend my deep appreciation to them.
Today I took a hot bath and listened to the beautiful cd; it warmed and blessed my soul deeply. The scroll is a beautiful
addition; it personalizes Jesus' healing powers along with reminding me of His unconditional love for each of us. It was so
thoughtful and loving to send such an elegantly handcrafted healing box. I have never received a gift like it. May the Lord richly bless
you for blessing me so tenderly.
This CD is AWESOME! My husband and I listen to it as well as our child. Things are improving as we continue to hear from God!
--Mrs Jackson, Ga
This is the most beautiful gift I have ever received. From the moment I received my "Letters From Jesus Healing Gift Set" and
pulled the tape from the box and began to lift the lid .... I hadn't even looked inside yet but I could feel the anointing on it just
pouring out!!! I was crying before I even looked inside! I had to stop many times while reading the scroll. And the cd, I've listened
to over and over and it will be something I listen to often. The Word of God and His promises come alive in such a mighty and
powerful way, penetrating every area of you heart, mind and body! Through the anointing on this cd, I not only have received
healing in my body, but it has also encouraged me to walk in the authority given to me to see others healed! This is GOD'S
WILL! EVERYONE NEEDS TO LISTEN TO THIS!!!!! It is incredible! I pray this healing message gets into the hands of
millions and I believe they will be healed as they listen to it. What an anointing on this ministry and what a mighty God we serve!
—A. Hall Stuart, Va.
I have many different healing cd's.and they are all good.Of course the word of God is always very good, but this cd exceeds them
all! It is so anointed and personal, as if Jesus Himself is speaking to you. It touches deep in my soul and opens my heart to
receive from Jesus the healing that I need. I use it as a preventative as well so that I will can walk in divine health.
I just love to listen to it over and over, and I know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. As far as I am
concerned there is not another compared to this. I would recommend it to anyone needing healing or desiring to walk in divine
health. I also enjoy listening to the music at the end when I am fellowshipping with the Father and I like it as background when
praying alone or with a group. Thank you for hearing from God and putting this masterpiece together.
—J. Heckinger
God is good, he keeps his word and does answer prayers.Especially the prayers of the broken hearted mother.Seven years ago at
the age of 15 my daughter started to display anger and rage, I knew that the distance and lack of relationship with her father
were the reason.We divorced when she was 5 yesrs old, he became bitter and was unable to see past his selfishness to be a father
to her.I watched in torment for a long long time this beautiful little girl, (Young lady) explode into violent acts, verbal
actuations of self hatred and disbelief of anyone loving or caring for her, she was untouchable..I'd cry,
she'd cry,we'd cry together. It seemed endless, I continued to pray diligently and earnestly. Then one day by the loving
"Grace" and "Mercy" of my All Mighty and Powerful God, "Letters from Jesus" was made a resource to us. When my daughter
recieved this beautiful scrolled letter with the stamped "J" on it, she was exasperated.She had grown up in the church and been
apart of fellowship for years, but being young in spirit, she wasn't prepared to battle the enemy. The thoughts of rejection were
to big, to strong. As she began to read her personalized letter tears flowed from her precious little face.She was reminded of the
that her "Heavenly Father" has for her.That He is always with her and knows her sadness and joy and who she truly is "His
daughter" and His Love is suffient. This letter has had such a huge impact on her life.Over the past several years as she's moved
she may only pack a small bag, but the letter is always a part of her travel.
This Letter from Jesus was a blessing, inspired by the Holy Spirit, a true miracle.She is today "Free"! Now I'm in tears" of joy"!
Thank You,
I love hearing the words wash over me as if the Lord is speaking directly to me. The music is very healing and relaxing and
helps me to drown out all the busyness in my mind, so that I can focus on what the Lord says about my healing!
I am so grateful to have this CD!
Blessings to you!
--Mandy Arledge, Nolensville, Tn
When I opened the package I was overcome with "Jesus bumps." Chills all over me. As I read it I experienced myself again as a
child, as I was when I was learning about Jesus. Let's say 8-ish. It was personal. That's the only way I know how to say it.
It was a personal experience between me and Him and it was real! This is the 2nd time in a month he has made His presence
in my life very real to me.
Thank you so much for this healing message. The gift is truly beautiful in it's presentation and it's love. Thank you again for
this lovely, powerful gift.
I love the CD! It really builds up my faith! Thank you for your obedience to the Lord. I need to listen to this all the time.
I choose life! Listening to this healing message really convicted me to be concious of what comes out of my mouth. The Word is living and active and I want the Word to activate all that God wants to do in my life. I love the CD!
---J Hatcher
--Bridgett Earledge
This work of art is a tool to experience the very depths of the soul. This spiritual movement in my being is so powerful that tears swell up into my eyes like no other performance ever that I have encountered. This annointed cd seems to come to life. My reaction each time I play this work of art is the same to the degree of a master piece. I truly believe this ministrie's labor of love is most excellent in the Letter From Jesus Healing cd.
​​ Thank you, lettersfromjesus.com! My grandson was imprisoned when he received his letter from Jesus. He was sent to solitary
confinement for 2 weeks with nothing but his letter from Jesus. As a result he spent that time with the Lord and got saved. I was so excited when I heard the news and I just praise God for answered prayers.
Tears of joy came forth as I read the letter from Jesus. It always means so much to hear from the Lord. I know that Mother is seeing and experiencing happiness unspeakable - walking with Jesus daily is jubilant and blissful. I am at peace about her. I have read and re-read the letter, and in the future it will be a cherished item for I know that I will continue to gather strength from it.
—Carolyn W
Regarding your healing CD ... What a right now Word for this day and time, for us to be reminded of who Jesus our Lord is. The other part is teaching us how to take the Word of God in our life now in this day and time for healing in our life, spiritual and physical.This is a CD we can listen to all the time. PRAISE JESUS!
----L. Holloway, Cartersville
My wife and I enjoyed the CD today while traveling out to Duke Cancer Center. It was truly a wonderful experience.....from the audio reading to the music pieces. My wife was beaming the entire time. You've made a huge impact for her and we are so grateful!
We truly are unafraid and with Him on our side....COME ON! Cancer has no chance
--Mike and Cynthia
I sat quietly to listen to the healing cd and follow the scroll. Then I listened to the "Soaking Music". At first I listened, but my
mind was all over the place, (if you can relate). But then I listened the next day to the music, then the next day, then the next. I
found it to be very soothing and heavenly (and I don't mean in the sense some people use the term heavenly), it actually
allows a person to enter into His presence even if your mind tries to wonder.
There is no doubt it fills the atmosphere and everywhere with Him. I believe the "Letters" are for people of all walks with the
Lord and even those who may be just beginning in Him. We all need a starting point. I also played the healing cd for my group
of Core Intercessors when we met and the presence of the Lord again permeated the room (the space we were in) filled with
Him. I want to order these gift sets to send to people I know. They are not ill or anything, I just think this should be shared!
---Pastor Patricia

Oh how I just love listening to the Letter From Jesus Healing CD. I get up every morning and have my daily devotional and then
I listen to the cd and let the words Jesus is speaking to me wash over me. Then I just sit and meditate during that beautiful
soaking music that follows. I just love it! I play this cd every day because it lifts me up and I feel such peace in my house. It is
just wonderful!!!!!!!
—P. Eatherly
The Letters From Jesus healing CD is an excellent choice for personal intimate worship with The Father. A sound from heaven!!
It automatically ushers you into HIS PRESENCE. I kept repeating track #15 thru especially. However, not to say the entire isn't
a favorite because it was. Looking forward to the next one. Thanks!
--Sis Barbara
The Lord has done some work...Kerry enrolled in an Anger Management class while in Jail...though the best news is that
the charges were dropped against him and he is now free.
Thanks for the letter and prayers!!
—Sandy L., Ga.
I don't think we could have ever imagined how much that letter touched his life. He just went on and on about it. I think it
really came at a great time when he was feeling rather down b/c of his illness. Thank you so much. It was so awesome!!
—L. Boldra
I ordered a letter for my friend who was an alcoholic. She was in the hospital and almost died from alcohol poisening and we
were not sure if she would make it. She was so thin except for the swelling in her feet and legs. The doctors told her that her
organs were damaged and she could die if she ever drank alsohol again. She was so encouraged and strenghtened by her letter
from Jesus. She didnt know I was the one who ordered it for her and when I went to her house, I saw her letter on the night
stand beside her bed and she said she reads it everynight. I am happy to report that she just went back to the doctor for follow
up testing and they said they can find no damage to her organs. She has gained weight back and she looks and feels great!
Thank you for her beatiful letter from Jesus. I don't know where she would be today with out it.
—Patty K, Ga.
Oh I love the healing CD! It feels like a very personal love letter from the LORD just to me! I love the music too. Very special!
What a gift this ministry has given.
-- Kathleen Morgan
The scriptures on healing which are the promises of God and the soothing music, causes an atmosphere for one to receive
their healing!!! It brings to my remembrance the passage in the Old Testement when David played his harp for King Saul.
Praise God!
-- Henry and Catherine Moore
On the day before cancer surgery I received a Letter from Jesus. It touched me so deeply that it is very difficult to put into words.
I burst into tears with such a feeling of love and encouragement. Standing strong and certainly believing that Jesus had
already healed me, I had not cried about the surgery or admitted any fear. However, while reading the letter I just felt like
Jesus was holding me in His arms and reaffirming that indeed all was well. I have NEVER felt such peace and such love before
in my life. It was like Jesus looked into all of the places that fear might hide in my soul and He wiped them away with His tears.
His love absolutely overtook me. I am so grateful for the letter and still read it often.
What a blessing those words from the heart of our Jesus are for me. At our family's personal memorial time to honor my sister,
I read the longer central part of the letter as though to family. It fit her so perfectly, bringing sure victory over a sad event. He
still comforts me in those words. I praise Him and am grateful you tenderly relayed Abba's heart for healing as I hurt in
missing her. Thank you so much for being the hands of Jesus in that gift.
—C Custer
Kari received her letter yesterday and was just delighted and encouraged by it. She loved the whole concept, and
especially commented on how beautiful it was and with its own holder. Thank you for letting the Lord use you in this way. I
know you have blessed so many with this beautiful gift of love.
—Janet H.
I have a wonderful story to tell each of you about a “Letter from Jesus” that was delivered to my husband, Richard. He could
not wait for me to get home to tell me and let me read this awesome letter; he was all smiles. We had never known of
anyone receiving a letter from Jesus.Richard had been diagnosed with very aggressive, stage four prostate cancer a few
weeks before he received his special letter. This cancer no one knows a lot about. However, the Lord was already opening doors
for us to where we needed to be. We had people praying for us all over the world. Then the letter came. I wish each of you
could have been there with us to see the power it radiated. When a letter comes from Jesus that says “Dear Richard”, calls him
by name, and speaks to him directly, all the words are all consuming. Receiving this wonderful letter has helped us to have
more peace about Richard’s situation and to know that Our Lord is hearing all of the prayers for Richard. The “Letter from
Jesus” has given Richard the opportunity to witness to many about the love of God. Watching when others read the letter
is amazing, to see their faces and hear their comments is like having Jesus in the room. Our friends and others see my
sweet husband’s great attitude even though he is dealing with an evil that we know God is taking away. Now, to let you know
how wonderful Richard is healing. Richard’s PSA has gone from “98” to “.6” and the cancer lymph nodes have shrunk 90%.
The doctors tell us Richard will never be cancer free; but, we believe he will be cancer free. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE
WITH OUR LORD! We thank our Heavenly Father for all of our many blessings and for the people and angels that surround
us every day.
—Sandra H
You have blessed me abundantly! I have a huge number of friends and family (espec) who don't have a relationship
with Jesus and I have been praying for a long time!! Your letters are a great way to convey the love of Christ to them, and take me out of the picture. Thank you so much for your ministry!! God's favor and blessings be with you.
--Carol G
I love hearing the Word wash over me as if the Lord is speaking directly to me. The music is very healing and relaxing and helps
me drown out all of the busyness in my mind, so that I can focus on what the LORD says about my healing! I am so grateful to
have this CD!
My letter came at exactly the right time. I was going through a very difficult time in my life after being envolved in a tragic auto accident. I received a letter from Jesus and I cannot tell you how much I needed it. I opened it up and fell to the floor weeping as I read it. I couldn't even move. I just sat there and read it over and over. It came at just the right time and now I have been delivered from the emotional trauma I was in.
-- Cynthia B
Thank you, Letters from Jesus! Realizing that my son and daughter-in-law were having challenges in their marriage, I requested
a letter to be sent to my son. I don’t know what was in the letter, but the positive, anointed words seem to have helped them
work through their problems. Thank you for this great ministry of encouragement!
—James from Tennessee
I was a born-again Christian before I heard the reading of this letter. Broken and not fully aware of how to navigate the Bible, or knowing with certainty who I was supposed to be as a believer, I didn't know where I fit in this world or the one to which, as a believer, I was destined to go. As I listened to the Letter From Jesus, I cried a hard cry. Jesus was talking to me. I had longed to hear 'His' voice, and here He was speaking to me. In all He spoke, He told me He loved me and that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. All the evil I believed about myself faded away and was replaced by His love. My life was transformed because I believe in Jesus. My heart to love was made strong. My desire to follow Jesus also became stronger, with determination to fulfill what I was born to do: loving others the way Jesus loves me, which became paramount to the success of my ministry. His letter healed my mind, body, and soul. My desire is that I exude the love of Jesus so that others see Him and never me. I have a desire to always be gentle and kind, even to those who aren't loving and kind toward me. I won't let the enemy of God steal what Jesus died on the cross to give me. Thank you for this gift. I will treasure it always, listen to it often, and definitely share it with others. What we don't know, we cannot be responsible for. But what we are taught, we are responsible for. I will continue to learn and be responsible for teaching others about the love of Jesus.
There must be an attraction before you get my attention.
The human brain is wired to make decisions before the decision comes out our mouth verbally.
The physical presentation of A Letter from Jesus demands my attention.
This sets the tone for receiving the healing ministry coming from within the package.
This sets the tone for receiving from the spirit of God transfused from God’s creation, Sister Allison Pearson.
It’s a regular discipline to have personal retreats with God.
A Letter for Jesus positions itself as a personal retreat with God.
Be selfish to guard this Letter from Jesus.
Be selfish to guard the time you spend with Him when listening and reading.
Set your expectations for the specific healing you intend to receive when interacting with A Letter from Jesus.
Set your mouth to decree along with the words spoken and written in A Letter from Jesus.
Be relentless to allow you body to dance in worship as a gift the the Holy Spirit in advance, even if you have to dance sitting or in a bed.
We send God’s creation, Allison Pearson, the multiplier’s anointing back to her sevenfold for healing and acceleration for her service to the Body of Christ to be completed with no cornerstone not in place.
We Love You,
Healed People, Heal People
Murfreesboro, TN​
I was so impacted when I opened the box with the letter enclosed, and the presence of God filled the atmosphere! I thank God for your obedience to receive His heart to deliver to His people!
I will definitely keep these letters in my heart! Thank you
--Marsha Carreker
It is difficult to put into words my response, my thoughts, and gratitude for what I believe is a direct work of the Holy Spirit. This letter from Jesus encapsulates the complete redemption message of the Bible from beginning to end and everything that we, as believers have received from God through faith in His one Son, Jesus Christ. It's as if the scriptures are speaking to us in the form of a letter. Every word is referenced by the scripture that declares it. It is truly amazing and unlike anything I ever seen or heard before. I will forever be grateful for the gift of this letter and the MP3 that I can listen to everyday to remind me of what's been done for me and what I have received from the Lord. I will write down every scripture that is provided on the Scroll and study them. This would make a wonderful bible study. This Letter is a gift from God for us the use to understand what has been done for us and the guaranteed victory that we have in Him.
God Bless you,
As I listen to my love letter from Jesus I am overwhelmed with love and gratitude. His heart for me, for all of us, pours out from the words, the voice and the music. Thank you for sharing these precious words in so beautiful a way. In seeing the scroll I felt like a dignitary receiving a vital document. This is exactly what I am in His eyes, worthy of the care and consideration so obviously taken in preparing this excellent message. May His words go forth among the nations, His love among the peoples and His hope throughout the land. Thank you so very much, these words of life are truly life saving!